instalando plugin no NetBeans para compactar JS e CSS

instalando plugin no NetBeans para compactar JS e CSS


instalando plugin no NetBeans para compactar JS e CSS

Plugin to minify JS , CSS and HTML for quicker page load times by reducing the size of js/css/html files.(Other webapp optimization such as image BASE64 encode/decode , image compression)

NetBeans Plugin - JS CSS Minify Compress

Plugin owner:gaurav_gupta
License:Apache License V 2.0
Category:Web Applications
Downloaded:27,773 times

4.72, by 26 users

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Versions available

Download plugin  Download size: 0.44 MB  Last Update: 2015-05-13

This plugin is also available on the NetBeans Plugin Portal Update Center. Use 'Tools > Plugins' action from the NetBeans IDE main menu for convenient installation of this plugin

What's new in this version

JS CSS Minify Compress Version 2.2

Enhancement -auto minify on save , copyright header

Verifications for NetBeans versions

8.0verification PASSEDSee verification details


Plugin to minify JS , CSS and HTML for quicker page load times by reducing the size of js/css/html files.
This plugin remove all unnecessary characters from source code, without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute.

  • To minify all js , css or html , right click on folder in netbeans and select Minify WEB Content option ; it will minify all css & js file.

  • To minify single js/css/html file , right click on js/css/html file in netbeans and select Minify JS/CSS/HTML option to minify file.

Also optimize by compressing image PNG/JPEG (Currently Supported format) and provides other functionality such as image Base64 Encoder/Decoder .

Features -
1- Minify JS File
2- Minify JS Source Code Snippet by selecting in editor
3- Minify CSS File
4- Minify CSS Source Code Snippet by selecting in editor
5- Minify HTML File
6- Minify HTML Source Code Snippet by selecting in editor
7- Minify XML File
8- Minify XML Snippet by selecting in editor
9- Minify JSON File
10- Minify JSON Snippet by selecting in editor
11- Log Evaluation Input/Output File Size , Space Reduced Percentage , Total Time Taken ,Individual Log appended to file
Other features-
12- Image Base64 Encoder/Decoder
13- Image PNG/JPEG Compress (Currently Supported format)

Go To Netbeans > Menu > Tools > Options > JS CSS Minify Compress

Autor: Thyago Henrique Pacher
Nosso pessoal é especializado em produção de sistemas para nuvem de acordo com o que for necessário para sua empresa e altamente configurável. Entre em contato conosco e podera ter seu sistema até hoje mesmo com máximo de garantia de dados salvos na nuvem e podendo recupera-los a hora que quiser. Temos em nosso portfólio o desenvolvimento de bons e grandes sistemas cujo são voltados para condominios ficando em GestCCon Sistema Concierge, JedisaMunck site para muncks, Site para advogados Ronald Arruda, empresas de consignação de créditos, sites institucionais, sites para cursos online com integração a plataformas famosas tais como moodle.
Utilizamos no nosso dia a dia as melhores ferramentasimagem autor


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